Wow, has it really been 3 years? 2009 was an interesting year – I guess the big ticket items were haxe for the iPhone and getting hxcpp into the standard distribution for haxe. I am very satisfied with these achievements, however there is still quite a bit of polish to add – especially in terms of ease-of-use.
I also started some other projects – fastcgi for haxe, and “waxe“, the wx/haxe interface, as well as continuing with neash and nme development. One of the big changes for hxcpp, although not visible, was using an internal garbage collector which has improved performance and reduced the compile dependence on a library that is hard to debug on other peoples machines.
Currenly, I’m working on an NME rewrite to remove GPL code from the iPhone target, and to help integration. Now that hxcpp has reached a certain level of quality, the diverse projects are starting to coalesce and I’m pushing ahead with a complete hxcpp/nme/iphone solution which should be very useful.
Looks like 2010 may be the year it all comes together (hopefully!).