NME From Scratch

Part 1 – Get The Basics Going

I’ve just got a shiny new computer at home – nothing installed. So it seems like a good chance to go through exactly what it takes to get and NME sample up and running on a new Windows 7 box.

8:20pm For starters, I’ll need a c++ compiler, so first thing is to start the MSVC 2010 Express downloading: 2010-Visual-CPP.

8:25pm OK – I’ve signed my rights away and that is downloading. The next thing I’ll need is haxe. It is easy to install from here.

8:28pm Haxe 2.07, neko 1.81 downloaded and installed. Windows complained that it might not have installed correctly, but this is just because the exe had “installer” in the name, and did not write an “uninstall” entry.

Test: Start a “cmd” prompt by clicking on the Windows start circle and type “cmd[Enter]” into the search box. And in this box, type “haxe [Enter]”. I am now rewarded with the haxe help message.

8:35pm Visual C++ Express in successfully installed.
Test: Start up a new cmd shell, and type “cl“. This does not work because the exe can’t be found in my path. But here is the trick. Type “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat” at the prompt (note:include the quotes!), and get the message “Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools.”. Now “cl” is rewarded with the Microsoft banner.

8:41pm I’m on a bit of a roll here, so I’ll see if I can get an haxe project going. As I said, I have nothing installed, so I’ll go old-school. First thing is to make a directory. The cmd prompt starts in my home directory (c:\Users\Hugh), and I will make a directory:
mkdir projects
cd projects
mkdir hello
cd hello

And now, do the best I can:
notepad.exe Hello.hx (yes I do want to create the file)

class Hello
  public static function main()

And switch back to the cmd prompt:
haxe -main Hello -neko hello.n
neko hello.n

Hello.hx:5: Hello!

Woo Hoo! 8:48pm and I’ve run my own program.

Now lets get even more adventurous, and try a c++ example. Trying:
haxe -main Hello -cpp bin
Tells me that “Project hxcpp is not installed” – so let’s install it:
haxelib install hxcpp
And try again:
haxe -main Hello -cpp bin
And test:
8:43pm, I have my first hxcpp prgram working!

Now, try for some graphics:
haxelib intall nme
and start a new project:
cd ..
mkdir graphics1
cd graphics1
copy “c:\Motion-Twin\haxe\lib\nme\2,0,1\samples\02-Text\Sample.hx”
haxe -main Sample -cpp bin -lib nme

9:05pm And there it is. Haxe, neko, hxcpp, nme VC2010 installed and run in 40 minutes, including this write up.

Part 2 – Compile NME From Source

Well, that went much better than I expected, so I will now attempt some bleeding-edge stuff. The version on NME used above is old, and I have no one to blame but myself. My intentions are to do a release soon, but I just have not got my finger out. Which leave me with the option of compiling NME from source if I want the latest features.

First thing, is to create a place where I can download various bits of source code for compiling. I’m going to put it a “e:\code.google”, because my C drive is a fast SSD, and has limited room.

mkdir code.google
cd code.google

Following the instructions from the source page, but changing the name, I can get a copy with:
svn checkout http://nekonme.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ nme
– if only I had svn installed. So first install this, I’ll be using this version. Once installed, I have to restart the cmd prompt and do the vsvars32.bat thing again. Now when I try again, I get the required files. There is also a companion project to go with NME, and that is the “sdl-static” project, which contains libraries required by NME. To get this, simply do:
svn checkout http://sdl-static.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ sdl-static
This takes a while….

Time to build –
cd nme\project
haxelib run hxcpp Build.xml

The “haxelib” tool looks for a file called “run.n” in an installed haxe library and runs it. In the hxcpp project, the run.n file gathers compiler options to build the haxe output. This same program can be used to build other projects – including the NME project. Unfortunately, compiling NME like this gives the error ” cannot open input file ‘ddraw.lib'”. This is because the VC express install does not have all the required system support files. This file can be found in the “DirectX SDK”, and I’ll be using the June 2010 version. This is a huge file, so it will take a while. If you think it is a lot of effort for a tiny lib, then you are right.

10:10pm and the download has finished. I have chosen to install it in “e:\SDKs\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)”, because I’m trying not to put crap on my C drive, and I will be installing quite a few SDKs, and it is nice to have them all together.

This does not immediately fix the problem, because the NME project does not know where I installed it. This is where the per-machine hxcpp config comes in.

Following the instructions in BuildCommon.xml, I create a file in “C:\Users\Hugh” called “.hxcpp_config.xml”, and put the following in it:

  <section id="exes">
     <linker id="dll" if="windows">
        <flag value = "-libpath:e:\SDKs\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x86"/>

Oh crikey! Looks like Microsoft in their wisdom have dropped support for this ddraw.lib, and I’m currently using a version of SDL that needs it! It’s OK, problem solved – I’ve added it to the NME project, but you still need the SDK for dxguid.lib, which I guess I should also add.

Anyhow, after a long delay, at 10:30pm I have NME building!

Now, going back to the original graphics1 example, the first thing to do is tell haxe to use our SVN haxe code instead of the 2.0.1 dowloaded from haxelib. This is done via:
haxelib dev nme e:/code.google/nme

Then build & test:
haxe -main Sample -cpp bin -lib nme

Which works as before. But now we can test some of the new features in NME. First get the new sample, and the new associated project file:
copy e:\code.google\nme\samples\02-Text\Sample.hx .
copy e:\code.google\nme\samples\02-Text\Sample.nmml .

Then you can use the NME build tool, with the command “test” (which is “build” and “run”) on the Sample.nmml project file, and for the target “neko”.
haxelib run nme test Sample.nmml neko
And you can see the result. Then you can test for cpp:
haxelib run nme test Sample.nmml cpp

So it’s now 10:45pm (had to catch the end of “Dexter”) and I’ve successfully compiled the latest version of NME and tested the new project feature.

Part 3 – Android

Things seem to still be going well, so I’m going to take one more step – android (spoiler – this is going to take longer than expected). First thing to so is install the Java Development Kit. (NOTE: Install the “windows” version, not the “x64” version) Then, the android SDK.
I installed java JRE and JDK in my SDK directory, but Google’s (always painful) build tools seem to think I have not installed java, even though it works from the cmd prompt. Thank guys. So I’ve uninstalled it, and reinstalled the JRE in the default location, and now it seems happy. The Android SDK download is just the start – it now runs and downloads a whole bunch more. This looks like it may take some time…

I may as well get on with downloading the NDK too. And while I wait for those I’ll get my phone ADB USB drivers installed. My HTC phone actually installs the drivers when I install HTCSync, found on my sdcard that was shipped with it.
EDIT: The android ndk r5b still has issues with exceptions/c++. However, these can be solved by dropping this version of libstdc++.a from the Crystax r4 distribution over the top of sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi/libstdc++.a in your downloaded ndk. If google ever manage to write a good build system, they might end up being a successful company.

The Google build tools also require the “Cygwin” utilities, so install these too.

Finally, we will need a new version of hxcpp, which we can get with:
svn checkout http://hxcpp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ hxcpp
haxelib dev hxcpp e:\code.google\hxcpp

11:45pm, I have finally downloaded and installed the Android prerequisites (I think) but will give up now.

Next day – Here we go again. Now to use the google android NDK, you need to have the cygwin dlls in your exe path. To change the path, right click in the “Computer” shortcut in the start menu, and choose “properties”, then on the left “Advance system settings”, then the “Environment Variables” button and scroll through the top bit for “PATH” and click “edit”. This already has haxe and neko in it, so we add the cygwin:
Now restart the cmd prompt, and typing “ls” should work.
And one more thing – in lieu of using “eclipse” for java building (which I just can’t stand – don’t get me started), the google tools need the “ant” program, which you install by unzipping somewhere.

Tell the build system where we installed these things.

set ANT_HOME=e:/SDKs/ant
set ANDROID_SDK=e:\SDKs\android-sdk
set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=e:\SDKs\android-ndk
set JAVA_HOME=e:\SDKs\Java\jdk1.6.0_24

And rebuild nme, like before, except that the “obj” directory should be removed first, because I have not yet allowed 2 compilers to be running at the same time.
haxelib run hxcpp Build.xml -Dandroid

Now, back in the original directory, we can build + run for android:
haxelib run nme test Sample.nmml android

Which, finally, works! You can terminate the debug log with control-c.

So, an awful lot of set up, but subsequent projects should only be a single line.

Android + HXCPP – a Quickstart Guide

After having some success with making an Xcode template, I thought it would be relatively easy make something similar for eclipse and Android. However, there was nothing but pain for me when I tried, so instead I’ve decided to write this guide.


There are quite a few prerequisites you need to organize before you can get things going. Android allows building from Windows, Mac and Linux. The procedures are quite similar, except that Windows requires some messing about with Cygwin binaries. The method described here avoids most of the Cygwin pain \- and the google make sytem pain \- by avoiding the google make sysem altogether.

  • Download and install the Android SDK. This is the Java tools and libraries required for building and debugging byte-code applications.
  • Download and install eclipse IDE. This is the IDE that runs the SDK – follow the instructions on the Android SDK page and install the Android plugins too.
  • Install the USB drivers for your device (if required). For my device (HTC Legend) I found the drivers on the phone itself by using it as a thumb drive.

You should now be in a position to build some sample (byte-code) applications for your device.

  • Download the Android Native Development Kit. This allows you to build binary code for your device. Now for HXCPP, it is very important to download the latest build provided at Crystax.net, which is a build done by a generous community member that corrects some of the glaring omissions of the official build, namely RTTI and exceptions. If it is all the same to you, extract it to c:/tools/android-ndk for Windows, and ~/tools/android-ndk for other systems, and this will make the remaining instructions easier.
  • Currenly on Windows, you need the svn version of HXCPP (slightly newer that 2.06.1) which has some include path fixes. See the instructions at http://code.google.com/p/hxcpp/ for getting the latest version.
  • Also on windows, you need the Cygwin dlls in your path. One way to do this is to install the whole Cygwin toolchain and put it in your path. The other way so to drop the two dlls from cygwin-extra.tgz into the ndk binary directory, ie c:/tools/android-ndk/build/prebuilt/windows/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin.

Project structure

An android project consists several components that all work together.

  • Java Code. The Java code provided in the sample project comes from a couple of places. Because the project is graphics based, the copy NME Java code is included. If the version of NME increases, it may be desirable to update the NME code, either by copying the new code in, or instead linking to the NME code directly. Also, the HXCPP bootstrap Java code is included along with a small Activity wrapper file.
  • Native code. The shared object files provide native code for running on the device. These include the standard libraries, the NME library and the haxe code compiled with hxcpp.
  • AndroidManifest.xml. This controls how your application is deployed, and quite a few things can be done with this file. It is best to consult the Android documentation about what can be done here.
  • Resources & Assets. These can be useful if you want to add standard menus or other GUI elements to your application.

The basic workflow starts by making a change to your haxe source files. You then compile the haxe code to Android cpp, which is in turn is compiled to an android shared object. This .so file is then copied to the libs/armeabi directory in the project. Because eclipse does not recognize a change to the shared objects as a important update, it is then necessary to touch one of the Java files so that eclipse rebuilds the project. These steps are handled by the build_haxe batch/shell scripts provided with the project, so all you should have to do is change the code and run the script. Then, press the “play” button in eclipse(the first time you do this, you may need to specify Run-As Android Project) and your application should launch.

The haxe code included in the sample directory uses a fixed class name, AndroidMain, as the bootstrap point for building the haxe shared object, libAndroidMain.so. By fixing these names, the build script is simplified. I encourage you to put your main code for the application outside the provided project directory, and edit the AndroidMain.hx and build.hxml files to point to this external application code. This will help with cross-platform development, and keep the boiler-plate code separate from your precious source code.

Creating a New Project

I could not find a very nice way to make a project template, so this is what I’ve come up with. First, download and extract the example project, android-2.06.1.tgz. You may like to rename the parent directory from android-2.06 to something more meaningful at this stage.

At this point, you should be able to build the sample haxe code using the build-scripts provided. This requires your prerequisite installations to be good, so it is worth testing. If you have downloaded the android-ndk to a different location, you can edit the appropriate build script to reflect this. You will need the latest NME code from haxelib. Windows users may also need the svn version of HXCPP.

So that all worked? Congratulations, your system is set up for development.

Next, fire up eclipse, and create a “File – New Project..”, then select “Android Project”, then select “Create project from existing source”, and browse to your newly created directory. You will notice that down the bottom of the Dialog, the properties are filled out with names from the sample project – we will change these next. Once you select “Finish”, your project should be created, and ready to run on your device.

The project and package names are tied into Java and Android naming conventions, as well as the Android manifest, and can be difficult to budge. It is easiest to use the eclipse Refactor-Rename menu option to change the name from “MyActivity” to something more appropriate for you, say “CircleDisplay”. Then in the source tree under “src”, there is a file in com.company called “MyActivity.Java”. Select this, and use the menu option to change its name to “CircleDisplay” too. Similarly, select the “com.company” and change this to something else, in my case “com.gamehaxe” (select preview and agree to everything). There is one final change required – the refactor option misses a reference in the AndroidManifest.xml because it starts with a period. Double click this and in the “AndroidManifest.xml” tab, change the “.MyActivity” to “.CircleDisplay”.

It is important to rename these items because it effects how your application is ultimately stored in the device.

So now you should be good to go – press the play button and select “Android Project”.

There are quite a few things that can go wrong with so many things to install, so I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.

Android Port – Second Look

I have looked into some of the performance aspects of the Android port, and I’ve come to some conclusions. Firstly, after looking at the disassembly, there did not seem to be any additional code associated with exception handling, so there was no optimizing to be done there. Secondly, the compile flags meant that software floating point operations were used, rather than the built-in hardware FPU.

So I added compile flags to force hardware floats, and added armv6 instructions while I was at it. You can get the installer here.

This gives my phone a nice 50% boost in frame-rate to about 15fps. However, on some devices this app may fail to run. This change brings the performance in line with iPhone performance for the simulation side of the program. However the OpenGL seemed slower. I guess the Qualcomm MSM 7227 does not have strong 3D acceleration \- or perhaps I am still missing something?

For comparison, you can test the flash version of the code in this directory. I get about 6\-7 fps, which is not too far from my initial software-float based results and is quite impressive. I’m not sure if the flash renderer is using software or hardware rendering \- maybe it’s worth a closer look to find out what it’s doing.

Android Port – First Light

I bought myself and Android (2.1) HTC Legend phone. Obviously, the first thing I wanted to do was to get haxe/NME running on it. Now the Android platform is very well setup for Java development but, unfortunately, the haxe Java target is not fully developed at the moment. Luckily, there is also a “native” development kit (NDK) that allows you to run c++ code on the device using a Java bootstrap to load the code and JNI.

The NDK is based in the GCC toolchain, and therefore is already pretty well supported by the hxcpp haxe backend. The problem is that the standard NDK is somewhat crippled – it does not support exceptions or the STL. It is possible to rework the hxcpp backend to work without the STL, but removing exceptions may take a bit more work. I managed to work around this by using a slightly modified NDK, created by a very helpful member of the comminity over at crystax.net. In theory this should have been all that was required, however the NDK also lacks proper wchar_t support. When I finally worked this out, it was reasonably easy to substitute a simple translation layer to fix these wide-char problems.
So far, I have only implemented the rendering API, with no interactive options. The OpenGL ES rendering code is exactly the same as for the iPhone, except that the initial context and display surface are setup in the Java code, rather than the Objective C code.

Developing with haxe for the Android target requires several modules to work together. First, you compile your haxe code as normal to a shared object – which is actually a JNI module. This exposes a single “main” function that can be called from Java. Your actual Android application starts with Java code, and you can setup the properties etc. from eclipse. Ultimately this will be boilerplate code and you will only need to change the bits you need to. This Java code then calls the haxe main function. In the graphical/NME environment the main thing this does is dynamically load the nme native library and setup a callback for when the graphics are finally initialized. You then return to Java code and setup a OpenGL ES context. When this is done, a JNI call is made into the nme dynamic library, which in turn calls back into your haxe application to complete setup. The “MainLoop” is then processed in Java, and events such as “Redraw” (and later “OnMouse” etc) are passed into the nme library, and then into the haxe application as registered “addEventListeners”.

So in this somewhat convoluted way, Java maintains full control of the app, and therefore correct interaction with the OS, while almost all the real work is done in the haxe code. In the example shown here, no changes were necessary to the haxe code, and the internal garbage collection also worked without modification, so it is a pretty solid cross-platform solution.

Now the bad news. The performance is way down compared to my 2nd generation iPod touch. This example is 10fps on the Android device, and about 24 on the iPod. Which is strange, because the core should actually be running a bit faster. The slowdown seems to be on both the OpenGL side, and the physics calculation side. It should also be noted that this is a first pass, so there is quite a bit of room for improvement. My guess is that the gcc compiler is generating significant runtime overhead per function because of the exception code. This is what I noted while compiling for the iPhone (it was doing a pthread lock per function!) \- but in that case the penalty was only incurred in functions that actually “threw”, so I simply moved the throwing code into a separate function. Which brings me to my second problem …

No easy profiling or debugging support for native code. This is a real pain for debugging (back to “log” debugging) and the lack of profiling makes it very hard to work out what needs optimizing for the target. I may be able to use a simple “setjump” style system for exceptions because the use of garbage collection means that there are no real destructors required for cleanup. But I would need to be sure this would help – premature optimization and all that.

I would also count the fact that you really need to use eclipse as an IDE as a big negative, but I think that this is just my personal dislike of the program. I think there may ultimately be ways around this with command-line compilers etc.

Native compiling tools for the Android target are still in active development and moving forwards, so I’m assuming that most of these problems will be overcome eventually. And of course, the big advantage of the Android OS is the openness \- so I can provide you with the actual application to run on your device \- give it a go, and let me know if it runs for you.