I have had a bit of a think about where some of this cross-platform code should sit, and I’ve partnered with Lee McColl-Sylvester at [DesignRealm](http://www.designrealm.co.uk/html/) to add the functionality to the existing “Neko Media Engine” (NME) project.
This idea here is to provide the flash drawing API to the neko runtime using opengl or software – which ever is fastest at the time.
There have been some big changed to NME recently, and it’s pretty easy for a haxe developer to checkout the “bleeding edge” and have a look at the samples, if they have svn installed. First install the existing NME project using the haxelib tool, ie:
haxelib install nme
Now, at the time of writing, it is 0.2.0, which is now a bit old. To use the new stuff (this works on most haxelib modules), checkout the latest stuff from [code.google.com](http://code.google.com/p/nekonme/). First make a directory – it’s a matter of taste where – to hold the code. For simplicity, I’m using one directory to hold all the google code checkouts, and I’m calling it “C:/code.google/”. From a shell in this directory, follow the instructions on project page about how to checkout the svn version:
svn checkout http://nekonme.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ nekonme-read-only
(You can actually call the last bit of the directory anything you want). This will give you a whole lot of files, called something like “c:/code.google/nekonme-read-only/nme/Manager.hx” etc. Now you can point your neko at this new code using the haxelib command:
haxelib dev nme c:/code.google/nekonme-read-only
This should give you access to both the new “.hx” class files, and the new “Windows/nme.ndll” binary file.
Then you can look at the samples by building them with “haxe Compile.hxml”, and running them with “neko *.n”.
There are examples showing the use of sound, a complete game and where things are going with the new flash-drawing api (not yet complete). The images here show circles, lines and text (solid and transparent backgrounds) and 2d-transformations, using both software and opengl rendering (no bilinear-sampling on software version yet).